About Us

<aside> ✨ Quira ****is a London-based deep-tech startup building a platform to help open-source developers monetise their time and experience.

We believe open source is going to be the main way in which developers will work, learn, and play in the future. We’re building a platform to bring that future to the present.

Our team is comprised of Mathematicians, Machine-Learning Scientists, and Software Engineers. We’re venture-backed by some of Europe’s leading VCs. We are deeply committed to diversity and to make every effort to hire the best from every underrepresented community.


Our core values

🍙 Kaizen all the way

Kaizen is the idea of making constant improvements to a product to increase its quality. At Quira, we continuously improve our products, codebases, and processes with small, simple, and high-quality iterations that create more customer value.

📈 We think like investors

We prioritise productivity and efficiency. We assess trade-offs by weighing risk-reward and cost-benefit scenarios. We consistently put in extra effort because we view committed hours like compound interest, the most powerful force in the universe.

🤗 We’re service providers

We understand that we are always providing a service to each other. We show extreme ownership of our codebase, our processes, and our decisions. We see everyone’s work as our own and we never say: “that’s not my job”.

🦄 We think big and make bold bets

We’re here to disrupt an industry and create outsized value. However, we understand that disruption is not rooted in technological complexity, but in customer adoption. We do everything we can to de-risk our projects, fail fast, and iterate quickly.

🦊 We learn from our mistakes

We understand that sometimes our assumptions and decisions may be wrong. When this happens, we are quick to acknowledge it and take extra steps to understand our mistakes, learn from them, and avoid making the same error again.

🧑‍🎨 We work like artists, but build like scientists

We are passionate about the work we do and see it as something that feeds our souls, a means of expression. Beyond building customer value we are motivated by solving difficult problems, creating new technologies, and building a beautiful product.

🐆 We move fast and don’t break things

We understand that to move fast we need to be structured, self-disciplined, and results-oriented. We believe that people who are afraid of hours are almost never successful, and that consistently putting in more smart hours is the only way to win in the long run.

😌 We prioritise our health and well-being

We’re running a marathon, not a race. Sometimes we might need to speed up to get ahead of others, but when doing so we’re always mindful of our own health and the health of our teammates.

If you’re excited about our mission, but the roles below don’t seem like a perfect fit, we’d still LOVE to hear from you! 💌 Drop us a line at [email protected]